
Random Ramblings


Sunday, May 06, 2007


The week has been a trying one, wrought with issues. I was not sure if I am sitting or standing.

The mental and emotion turmoil has taken its toll. So much so that I looked to a friend to find some comfort in and I said many things that I would not have mentioned on other occasions. I guess it happens when my defenses are down. There is no regret this time, as compared to another time. In some ways I felt relived; in some sense it was part of the process of life one has to go through, like some weight was lifted off me. Tho I didn’t figure out a solution the problem that had been bugging me all week, it was an amazing night nonetheless. Thanks babe.

I slept the day away, probably because I was just too tired from the week. That negated the whole issue that was in some sense plaguing me I guess. I’m not exactly sure now if I am comfortable with the outcome. Maybe everyone was right – it is too soon to make a move. I am never a subscriber to the adage “Time heals all wounds”, this was no exception. The only exception this time was the person doing the asking. That made all the difference for the consideration process; which there was actually one this time.

From a different point of view, that might also be considered progress. Just because it doesn’t pan out the way one expects, it cannot just be written off as a failure. Every experience there is a lesson to be learnt and one day, there will be success.

And with that thought, I am a little comforted.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

you're welcome!

5/06/2007 12:24 pm  

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