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Random Ramblings
Thursday, August 24, 2006Our Connected World?Ten years ago, technology seemed light years away. Now we can chat with someone half way around the globe with instant messages, we can have a voice conversation. Hell, we can even see that person using video messaging. It’s made having friends from everywhere easy. Or at least as easy as it could be. Want to know that the hardest things about having friends with a 12 hour time difference from you
And the single most important thing – No matter how much you talk, how much many emails you exchange to keep up with each others lives; you cannot touch the person. I just watched an episode of Grey’s Anatomy—it has hit a nerve. The denial and connecting nerve I’ve tried so long to hide and ignore. I will always be the one to say people need other people, yet I will keep pushing people away from me. One of the reasons why I throw myself into work is so I will have less time for anything else. It’s an inbuilt defensive mechanism developed from young. I have a friend who hurts me so dreadfully. It’s not her fault, technically. I’ve always maintained that I am always here for her, regardless of anything. My phone is always on, she has both my numbers. All she has to do is call, and I’ll do almost anything for her. Yet, I still feel I am on the fringes of her life. She doesn’t call me when she needs a friend, I only hear from her much later, normally after the damage is done. Yet I’ve never questioned my being there for her. I have on the other hand questioned if I’ve been a good friend to her, or if I’m a good friend in general. The friends I would like to touch at this very moment are 24 hours or more by plane away. Sometimes I think I care about my best friend, so far away more than I do about the friends that are right here in front of me. People have called me a bitch, others say I have ice for blood or a stone heart. Some of these people I hold close to my heart – yet they don’t see me for who I really am. Then again, I been hiding who I really am for so long, that sometimes I am not even sure of that myself. It’s true, those “horrible” accusations are true. I am a bitch, I do have ice for blood, my heart is made of stone – but I am also a person who hides everything else. So do you really know me? Are we really connected?
Sunday, August 20, 2006InadequateToday I got “stalked” again. Some guy waited for me outside the ladies and even tried to follow me. I managed to hide in the crowd and lost him pretty quickly. That would be the only thing that happened quickly. You can be surrounded by hundreds of people and feel utterly lonely. I was hiding in a throng of people in a major shopping mall, but I just couldn’t shake the feeling of being all by myself trying to escape from the person. It is hours after the incident, and I’m still shaking. You think talking about it will help. But it doesn’t really help a lot. There isn’t a way to convey the fear and the anxiety that is coursing throughout the body. No matter how you try to describe it – you just can’t and it makes you just feel worse, inadequate.
Thursday, August 17, 2006Childlike WondermentAs the appointed time draws close, the heart beats faster, the mind rushing ahead dreaming of the beauty that will soon present itself, one gets more jittery caused probably by the excitement running through the body. When the first firework is set off, goose-bumps quickly rush to the surface and then one sees the sky light up – absolutely astounding. It gives a natural high that not many things can. One can only just watch from below, admiring it, soaking it in and enjoying the moment. For those ten to fifteen minutes, you are transported to a world very different from the one we live in. The adrenaline pumps thru your body and the wonderment of the situation is the only thing you will think of, every other thought, worry or confusion just melts away like it never existed in the first place. Thank you for the lovely comments for the previous set of firework images. There is more to come. It’s been a busy busy week!
Tuesday, August 15, 2006Home is where the heart isMost will insist that it isn't the physical that we call home. Yet, for many a physical house is what we refer to us home. I got pulled, kicking and screaming (maybe not that dramatic), from my physical sanctuary/home at a young age. For years, home would be referring to my childhood home. When I moved in with grandma later on, that small but cosy apartment soon became my new home. Even now, years after I've moved out, I still have the habit of referring to my grandma's place as the converted 'home' title. I've caught myself on many occasions referring to my living quarters as house, the place I live, “I'm going back”, my room. These days, I suddenly have another home. My grandma now stays with my Uncle – and I've been going over to spend time with my grandma pretty often. For one, I find it hard to sleep in many places – even in my own room a good portion of the time. But each time I go over, I nod off to dreamland with such ease; whether its on the couch or the cold hardwood floor – utterly out of character for someone who is so uncomfortable in places. As much as I know one day I would have a brick residence to call Home (again), I'm glad my uncle's home gives me a great sense of belonging, protection and peace of mind for now.
Tuesday, August 08, 2006Distant memories
We have this innate ability to remember things. It makes us human to have memories cause a powerful emotion within us. A couple of events brought memories back I didn’t even remember I had—and the strangest things will trigger them from their slumber.
On Sunday, I went to JB coz I was seriously bored and on a spur, I decided to watch a movie… which was a pretty bad move coz when I was trying to get back to Singapore, the entire JB customs was jammed! The bus queues were so long, the area was so packed with smog, and stale air I was almost choking. So I decided to do something I had not done in a long long time. I walked across the bridge back to Woodlands checkpoint. As I was walking, suddenly an old friend popped into my head – one I hadn’t thought of in ages. I remember the times the two of us would take a trip across the bridge together; sometimes we walked so that we could enjoy the scenery or the good weather. Sometimes we met halfway, other times we met on the JB side for some gallivanting. It was an escape for me, at a point of time in my life which I really needed one. My friend might never know it, but those outings which would seem ordinary to anyone else, made a huge difference for me. I called my best friend, who is overseas coz I couldn’t sleep last night. We’ve just realised the last time we saw each other was in 2004… too long, just too long. In the midst of the conversation, my friend goes “Happy Belated Friendship Day!” and we both burst out laughing. When we were younger, 1 August was a huge deal for us. We would spend weeks before that preparing presents for our group of friends – from friendship bands (I’m actually pretty good at making those), to cards, funny little things. It has been thirteen years since the two of us first met, and the friendship is full of little anecdotes that will always bring a smile to our faces. We hurl playful insults at each other and jib one another with a familiarity that only comes with time. She was surprised I kept the mobile number that I first got for her a few years back when she was back for a short period of time a few years ago. I believe memories make a person – whether the memories are good or bad, its irrelevant. We are who we are coz of the decisions we make, from the lives we have led. Memories make us cry, memories make us smile… I always thought looking back on the times I cried would make me laugh;
Sunday, August 06, 2006Spectacular Spectacular
I managed to catch the opening ceremony of the Fireworks Festival 2006 @ Marina Bay. My friends made it there earlier than me (coz I fell asleep) and I'm so thankful they fought tooth and nail to save me a spot on the bridge; as by the time I got there, I would have been blocked and not have gotten any good shots at all! I did get a few good ones, mostly bad but its expected... it was a breezy night so the smoke moved off quite quickly.
Here are some of the nicer ones ![]() A great bright and cheery start ![]() There was a whole bunch of fireworks which started out gold and suddenly the ends become coloured, amazing ![]() Connect the dots ![]() Fireflies in fireworks – sweet ![]() Palm trees? ![]() This just screams carnival atmosphere to me ![]() Going out with a big bang ![]() The Aftermath Yesterday night's performance was done by an Italian team, and my was it passionate! Many might not have grasp the full performance as anyone would be mesmerised by the sheer beauty of the fireworks, but the music accompaniment was amazing. Full of life and passion, I was utterly in awe of the whole thing. Definitely going to try my utmost best to catch the other teams.