
Random Ramblings


Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Home is where the heart is

Most will insist that it isn't the physical that we call home. Yet, for many a physical house is what we refer to us home.

I got pulled, kicking and screaming (maybe not that dramatic), from my physical sanctuary/home at a young age. For years, home would be referring to my childhood home.

When I moved in with grandma later on, that small but cosy apartment soon became my new home. Even now, years after I've moved out, I still have the habit of referring to my grandma's place as the converted 'home' title. I've caught myself on many occasions referring to my living quarters as house, the place I live, “I'm going back”, my room.

These days, I suddenly have another home. My grandma now stays with my Uncle – and I've been going over to spend time with my grandma pretty often. For one, I find it hard to sleep in many places – even in my own room a good portion of the time. But each time I go over, I nod off to dreamland with such ease; whether its on the couch or the cold hardwood floor – utterly out of character for someone who is so uncomfortable in places.

As much as I know one day I would have a brick residence to call Home (again), I'm glad my uncle's home gives me a great sense of belonging, protection and peace of mind for now.


Blogger nutcase said...

well... i suppose ur home refers to where ur heart feels warm, maybe the knowledge dat ur grandma is wif u, under the same roof?

8/16/2006 12:27 am  

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