
Random Ramblings


Monday, April 11, 2005

Another weekend...

...another wasted 2 days. I've moved into this place more than a month ago, and I still haven't unpacked completely or settled exactly how I want the room layout to be. Last weekend, I went to check on options for extending my RJ45 cable or going wireless. Was supposed to measure my room after that, but one week later, still haven't done anything. There is still boxes that I haven't even begun to unpack *sigh*

It seems nearly every weekend, I spend the majority of it by myself, in the room - probably around 99% of it. It really feels like I have no life. Also, it just feels like I'm wasting away my time, not doing anything or treasuring things I have. I need to get out of this funk I'm in, yet I'm to deep in my own self-pity to figure out how to deal with it.

In other news - I've just finished watching this Korean drama, and I'm so bloody confused at the ending!! Its such an odd ending and I can't figure it out. Quite annoyed by it. Sheesh. Since its a Korean drama, the information on the net is also hard to find so its somewhat of a trouble trying to find anything. Someone help...pls...


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