
Random Ramblings


Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Tis is life

A friend passed this to me last night (probably sent by another friend, whose other friend sent it and…I guess you get the idea) and I think it’s hilarious yet so utterly poignant at the same time.

Our communication - Wireless
Our business - Cashless
Our telephone - Cordless
Our cooking - Fireless
Our youth - Jobless
Our religion - Creedless
Our food - Fatless
Our faith - Godless
Our labour - Effortless
Our conduct - Worthless
Our relation - Loveless
Our attitude - Careless
Our feelings - Heartless
Our politics - Shameless
Our education - Valueless
Our follies - Countless
Our arguments - Baseless
Our commitment - Aimless
Our life – Meaningless
Our bosses - Hopeless
Our salary - Very less

It reminded me of this
article. It’s really a bit sad we’ve come to this. As much as I appreciate the wonders of technology and is a closet IT-geek myself, it hits home when instead of talking to someone one just sends an email. I know one of my friends whose 8 year old child (if I remember correctly) uses an instant messenger to chat with my friend after school.

EIGHT, the kid is eight!!! What were you doing at age 8? Running around the neighbourhood? Terrorising your younger siblings? Watching cartoons in the afternoon? These days, kids’ lives are so filled with piano lessons, ballet classes, tuition and the whole shebang that is available to all overly worried parents.

From family members who text each other, instead of just talking when they get home to friends who live in the same small city, yet spend more time sending each other emails than having a good cuppa together. When was the last time you sent out a handwritten letter or received one? (Christmas cards do not count into this.)

We have drifted apart from the lack of human interaction until some people are just social freaks; they have no clue what to do in a environment filled with people (I bet these numbers are rising).

Maybe it is time some of us took a step back and reassess our relationships.

Off to check my (physical) mailbox!


Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Something so public it scares me

I've never done anything like this before, then again, this year has been exceptional harder than usual. Those who received my msg, and to those that I missed out in that msg - this is for you.

To all that I've whined to, ranted at, posed difficult qns to, had to deal with my depressed/morose self over the past month or so...

I'm sorry.

Hopefully it gets better from here on out.

(yes it might seem cold to do this, but for me, its a big step)


Thursday, September 22, 2005

Degrees of importance

As much as I distance myself from my family at times (they are nuts ok?), they will always be top priority for me – despite the yelling of “false statement” from some chapters.

I have just found out what a warped sense of priority my family has.

Last week, I found out my aunty was in hospital and was only release from ICU late in the week. Believe it or not, she was in ICU for about 3 weeks before anyone said anything to me. She had to undergo major surgery. In this period of time where technology is so widely available… it is very strange that no one said anything.

Yes, on its own it seems strange; that my comment has no grounding. On Sunday afternoon, my quiet time is shattered by my phone going off. Lo and behold, this is the message from one of my aunts. “Aunty gave birth this morning”

Unbelievable is the only word that comes to mind (ok, so there are others words, but I shall be a good girl). One would think that major surgery would be something that would be quickly informed…

Oh well, at least I went to see the aunt that had major surgery. She seemed genuinely shocked to see me walk in with my grandma. I have to say, my young cousin is extremely worldly wise in some way. It wasn’t so much what he said his mother, but the tone by which he used.